The Big Fuel Crisis of 2000AD

(Picture: Shobba: Truck and Driver Dec 2000) The sight of queues at petrol stations in September 2021 takes me back to September 2000 and the big fuel crisis. It’s the same basic set-up. There’s no shortage of fuel being churned out by the refineries. It just can’t get into the service stations quick enough. The big difference is that in 2021 panic buying seems to have made what would have been a difficult situation much worse. There aren’t enough tanker drivers to supply all the petrol stations. But it wasn’t until news got out about the delivery problem that people started panic buying. In 2000, the tanker drivers couldn’t even get out of the terminals because they were being blocked by farmers lorry and taxi drivers protesting about fuel taxes. It always sticks in my mind because I’d bee...